AboutFrontier Security International

We, Frontier Security International (FSI), are a licensed distributor of Jablotron  products in South Africa.
Jablotron is a Czech technology company providing modern solutions to protecting the property, health and safety of their customers. We distribute their range of security cameras, car systems, home and company systems to you.

Interested In Becoming AJablotron System Integrator?

From security cameras and home alarms, to vehicle tracking, you can become a system integrator of Jablotron products through us!

Get in touch with us today and we’ll help you get started.

Promotion ofThe Month


The JA-154E is a two-way wireless access module with an LCD display, a keypad and an RFID reader for security system control. Contains one operating segment and, if needed, can be equipped with up to 20 JA-192E control segments.

The unit allows simple system control using interlocking segments. It features Smart Radio Wake-up (SRW) which reacts to, for example, a wireless door detector being triggered and effects the automatic termination of sleep mode in a set system during the entrance delay.

The module is powered by alkaline batteries.

The module is addressable and occupies one alarm system position.